Austrian Foundation Law within the seminar series “Wealth Management: Private Foundations – Comparative Perspective”
Director of the Centre for Family Business Law
at the University of Warsaw, Poland,
Prof. Konrad Osajda LL.M.,
invites you to join a lecture by
Prof. Susanne Kalss, LL.M.
Wirtschaftsuniversität (WU), Vienna
Austrian Foundation Law
within the seminar series
“Wealth Management: Private Foundations – Comparative Perspective”
The seminar is free of charge, does not require reservation, and will take place on 10 March 2025, 5:00 p.m. (CET) in a hybrid format:
room 209
in the Collegium Iuridicum I building at the University of Warsaw
(ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Warsaw)
and via Zoom
Link to the meeting:
Meeting ID: 984 8444 6925
Passcode: 871357
Part of a project funded by the Polish National Science Centre grant no. 2021/41/B/HS5/00857