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Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytet Warszawski

Seminarium im. L. Petrażyckiego "Children, animals, AI - who can be an agent in law?"

Dziekan Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Giaro
zaprasza na seminarium im. Leona Petrażyckiego pod tytułem
Children, animals, AI - who can be an agent in law?,
które poprowadzi prof. Visa Anton Julius Kurki.

Wykład odbędzie się w sali 209 w Collegium Iuridicum I
7 marca 2024 r. (czwartek) o godz. 14:00.



The talk will present my new research project Agency in Law (LEGACY, 2024-2028), funded by an ERC Starting Grant.

In law, only agents can decide about their affairs, enter contracts or be held responsible for their actions. Western law has since the 19th century relied on an understanding of agency that has developed in the liberal tradition of thought. According to this “Liberal Agency”, agents are highly rational human individuals. Persons with cognitive disabilities, artificial intelligences, and nonhuman animals are therefore not agents because of their lack of rationality or humanity.

Liberal Agency has recently come under increasing criticism and challenges. For instance, the agency of children and people with disabilities has been recognized in international conventions, and law will have to contend with AI agents.

The presentation will discuss the premises, goals and hypotheses of the project.

This event is a part of a research project (no. 2020/36/C/HS5/00600) funded by the National Science Center of Poland: ‘Analysis of the concept of a legal person from an ontological and linguistic perspective’.


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