Jakub Urbanik
Stopnie i tytułyprof. ucz. dr hab.
Telefon22 55 20 388
Katedra Prawa Rzymskiego i Antycznego
Terminy konsultacji dla studentów
Dyżury pok. 204 lub 202
wtorek 13.30–14.30
Podstawowe informacje o użytkowniku
University Professor at the Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity
Head of the Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity
- Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute (since 9 December 2017)
- since 2016 member of the International Committee of Papyrology of the International Association of Papyrologists
- Co-editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Juristic Papyrology and the series The Supplements to JJurP (Warsaw Papyrology and JJurP online)
- founding member of Asociación Española de Papirología
- Member of the Scientific Board of Annaeus. Anales de la Tradición romanística. Sevilla
- Member of the Scientific Board of Revue internationale des droits de l’Antiquité (RIDA). Liège
- Member of the Scientific Board of Quaderni Lupensi, Lecce
Conferences organised:
- Co-chairman of the Organisational Committee of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology (Warsaw 29.07–3.08.2013)
- (with José Luis Alonso) Legal Experts and Legal Expertise in the Ancient World – Oñati 21/22 June 2016 – a Workshop at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law. Programme
- (with José Luis Alonso) VII Jornadas de papirología – San Sebastián-Donostia 13/14 July 2017 – Programme
Present University occupations:
- Head of the Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity
- Member of University of Warsaw Senate Committee for Research
- Member of the Faculty Appointment Commission
- Academic Tutor of the Paulina-Kuczalska-Reinschmit Students’ Debating Club
Past University occupations:
- 2002–2010 Erasmus Departamental Coordinator
- 2008–2012 Senator of the University of Warsaw
- 2008–2012 Vice-Chairman of the University of Warsaw Senate Committee for Research and Foreign Relations
- 2008–2012 & 2012–2016 Member of the University Team for Teaching Quality Assurance
- 2008–2012 Member of the Faculty Team for Teaching Quality Assurance
- 2012–2016 Member of University of Warsaw Senate Committee for Research
- 2016–2020 Director of the Institute of History of Law
Speaking Hours/Dyżury
Tuesdays/Wtoreki 13.30–14.30, rooms 204/202 Collegium Iuridicum I or by appointment.
During the time of pandemia: by prior appointment at Webex.
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/27
00-927 Warsaw 64
# +48.22.552.0388/384 – fax# +48.22.552.4319- Master Thesis presented at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw Stipulatio w świetle Tabliczek z Murecine (Stipulation in the Murecine Tablets), April 1997.
- Dissertation Il divorzio nel diritto romano e nella pratica giurdica dell’Egitto romano presented at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw in October 2002, Honourable Distinction at the annual competition of the bi-monthly Państwo i Prawo.
- since October 2002: assistant professor (adjunct) at the Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity
- since October 2013: dr hab., venia in Roman Law and Legal History
- scholarship of the Government of the Arabic Republic of Egypt (Cairo 1999)
- START Scholarship of Foundation for Polish Science (2000)
- DAAD Scholarship at Universität zu Köln (2001/2002)
- Several summer research scholarships of the Catholic University of Leuven (1999–2004)
- Visiting Professor at the University of the Basque Country in San Sebastián–Donostia at the invitation of the Basque Autonomous Government (2007/2008)
- Visiting Professor at the University of Zurich, Faculty of Law – December 2015; April 2019
- visiting Professor at the University of Palermo, Faculty of Law: October/November 2018
- „Auctorati i auctoratio w prawie rzymskim”, Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne 47 (1995) 155-170 PDF
- . „Sponsio servi”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 28 (1998) 185-201. PDF
- [together with z A. Kacprzak, J. Krzynówkiem, F. Longchamps de Bérier] 565 zagadek z prawa rzymskiego, Warszawa 1999.
- „Materiały pomocnicze do studium prawa rzymskiego późnej starożytności”, [w:] E. Wipszycka (wyd.), Vademecum historyka starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, III, Warszawa 1999, 618-624.
- „Tabliczki Sulpicjuszy i rzymska praktyka dokumentarna”, Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne 51 (1999) 51-75. PDF
- [with T. Derda] „P. Naqlun inv. 27 + 28: a document concerning anapselaphesis/retractatio from Fayum monastery, [in:] Au-delà des frontières. Mélanges de droit romain offerts à Witold Wołodkiewicz, Warszawa 2000, 197-205 [= T. Derda, P. Naqlun II, Warsaw 2007] PDF
- [with T. Markiewicz] „Babatha, Selampsione i ich archiwa — greckie papirusy znad Morza Martwego”, Nowy Filomata 4.2 (2000), 149-160 PDF
- [With M. Zabłocka, J. Krzynówek & Z. Służewska], ed., Au-delà des frontierès. Mélanges offerts à Witold Wołodkiewicz, tomy I i II (pp. 1154), Warszawa 2000.
- „Kilka uwag na temat domniemanych interpolacji justyniańskich”, [in:] A. Sokala & E. Gajda (ed.) Honeste vivere. Księga pamiątkowa ku czci prof. Wł. Bojarskiego, Toruń 2001, 269-279. PDF
- “D. 24.2.4: … Pater tamen eius nuntium mittere posse: l’influsso della volontà del padre sul divorzio dei sottoposti”, [in:] T. Derda, J. Urbanik & M. Węcowski, Εὐεργεσίας χάριν. Studies Presented to Benedetto Bravo and Ewa Wipszycka by Their Disciples, Warsaw 2002, pp. 293-336 PDF
- [with T. Derda & M. Węcowski], , Εὐεργεσίας χάριν. Studies Presented to Benedetto Bravo and Ewa Wipszycka by Their Disciples, Warsaw 2002 [= The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplement no. 1]
- „A Priestly Divorce in the Seventh Century Palestine: Various Legal Orders at Work (the Case of P. Nessana III 57, a. 689)“ [in:] Z. Służewska & J. Urbanik (ed.), Marriage: Ideal – Law – Practice. Proceedings of a Conference held in Memory of Henryk Kupiszewski, Warsaw 2005, 199–218 PDF
- [with Z. Służewska] Marriage: Ideal – Law – Practice. Proceedings of a Conference held in Memory of Henryk Kupiszewski, Warsaw 2005.
- Indici delle fonti a E. Volterra, Scritti Giuridici, vol. VIII, Napoli 2005, pp. 431-715
- „A Response to Barbara Anagnostou Canas“, [in:] H-A. Rupprecht, Symposion 2003.Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte, Wien 2006, pp. 341–346 PDF
- „Res tuas habeto: la funzione delle „parole approvate“ nel divorzio“, [in:] Barbara Anagnostou Canas (ed.), Dire le droit: normes, juges, jurisconsultes, Paris 2006, pp. 87–98 PDF
- “Konstatyńskie ograniczenia rozwodów: wolność małżeństw przebita szpilką do włosów”, Studia Iuridica 45 (2006), pp. 255–268. PDF
- „Compromesso o processo? Alternativa risoluzione dei conflitti e tutela dei diritti nella prassi della tarda antichità“, [in:] E. Cantarella, J. Mélèze Modrzejewski G. Thür –, Symposion 2005. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte, Wien 2007, pp. 377-400. PDF
- „La repressione constantiniana dei divorzi: La libertà dei matrimoni trafitta con una forcina“ [in:] Fides. Humanitas. Ius. Studii in onore di Luigi Labruna VIII, Napoli 2007, pp. 5705-5726 PDF
- “Dioskoros and the Law (on succession): Lex Falcidia revisited”, [in:] Les archives de Dioscore d’Aphrodité cent ans après leur découverte. Histoire et culture dans l’Égypte byzantine, éd. par J.-L. Fournet, Études d’archéologie et d’histoire ancienne), Paris, 2008, pp. 117–142 PDF
- “Un padre inhumano y la humanidad del derecho: el caso de Dionisia”, [in:] J. A. Tamayo Errazquin [ed.] De la humanidad en el Derecho a los derechos humanos: de Roma a los tiempos actuales, Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, 2008, pp. 59-72. PDF
- [with Claudia Kreuzsaler]; “Humanity and Inhumanity of Law. The Case of Dionysia”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 38 (2008), pp. 119–156 PDF
- “P. Oxy. LXIII 4397: the Monastery Comes First or Pious Reasons Before Earthly Securities”, [in:] J. Clackson, Petra Sijpesteijn, Catherine Louis & Anne Boud’hors [ed.], Monastic Estates in late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt/ Ostraca, Papyri, and Essays in Memory of Sarah Clackson, Cincinatti 2009, pp. 225–235 PDF
- Del matrimonio con el fantasma a las uniones homosexuales: Donostia 15.XII.2009 PDF
- “Formalność rozwodu w rzymskim prawie klasycznym: D. 24.2.9 i Augustowskie divortiis modum imponere” [The Form of Divorce in the Classical Roman Law: D. 24.2.9 and the Augustean divortiis modum imponere],. Zeszyty Prawnicze 9.1 (2009), pp. 85-121 PDF
- Papirologia juridica (Bilbao, 14.XI.2010)
- „Rozwód w papirusach. Studium przypadków” [Divorce in the Papyri. A Case-study], Studia Źródłoznawcze : U Schyłku Starożytności 9 (2010), 158–188. PDF
- Vox „stipulatio servorum” [in:] Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei (HAS). Im Auftrag der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz hrsg. von H. Heinen in Verbindung mit U. Eigler, P. Gröschler, E. Herrmann-Otto, H. von Hesberg, H. Leppin, H.-A. Rupprecht, W. Schmitz, I. Weiler und B. Zimmermann. Redaktion: J. Deissler, Stuttgart 2006–2010, 5 coll. PDF
- „P. Cairo Masp. I 67120 recto and the Liability for Latent Defects in the Late Antique Slave Sales: or Back to Epaphe”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 40 (2010), pp. 219–248 PDF
- „Broken Marriage Promise and Justinian as a Lover of Chastity. On P. Cairo Masp. i 67092 (553) and Novela 74”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 41 (2011), pp. 123–151. PDF (ERIH INT2)
- „Del matrimonio con el fantasma a las uniones del mismo sexo. La función social del matrimonio” [in:] J.A. Tamayo Errazquin, Cristianismo y mundo romano” (V y VI Ciclos de Conferencias sobre el Mundo Clásico), Bilbao 2011, pp. 219–230. PDF
- [with P. Korzec & M. Wyrzykowski], Polish Constitutionalism. A Reader, Warsaw 2011, 560 pp.
- “Diligent carpenters in Dioskoros’ papyri and the Justinianic (?) Standard of diligence. On P. Cairo Masp. II 67158 and 67159″, [in:] J. Urbanik (ed.), Culpa: Facets of Liability in Ancient Legal Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Warsaw 17–19 February 2011, Warsaw 2012, pp. 273–296. PDF
- Culpa: Facets of Liability in Ancient Legal Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Warsaw 17–19 February 2011, Warsaw 2012, 300 p.
- “Tapia’s Banquet Hall and Eulogios’ Cell. Transfer of Ownership as Security for Debit in Late Antiquity” [in:], P. Du Plessis (ed.), New Frontiers: Law and Society in the Roman World, Edinburgh 2013, pp. 151–174 PDF
- chapter 4.3 „Divorce’ [in:] J. Keenan, J. Manning & U. Yiftach-Firanko, Law and Legal Practice in Egypt from Alexander to the Arab Conquest. A Selection of Papyrological Sources in Translation, with Introductions and Commentary, Cambridge 2014, pp. 154–174.
- „Marriage and Divorce in the Late Antique Legal Practice and Legislation”, [in:] E. Osaba, Derecho, Cultura y Sociedad en la Antigüedad Tardía, Bilbao 2014, pp. 259–274. PDF [proofs]
- ‘On the Uselessness of it all: the Roman Law of Marriage and Modern Times’, Fundamina 2014 20.1 (2014), pp. 937–951 (Editio specialis: Meditationes de iure et historia. Essays in honour of Laurens Winkel) PDF
- chapter ‘Husband and wife’, to P. J. Du Plessis, C. Ando & K. Tuori (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Roman law and Society, Oxford 2016, pp. 473–486.
- [with A. Łajtar and T. Derda] Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology [JJurP Suppl. 28], Warsaw 2016, III vols., Vol. I: Literary Papyri: Texts and studies.Vol. II: Subliterary papyri. Documentary papyri. Scribal practices, linguistic matters.Vol. III: Studying papyri, 2100 pp.
- [with J. Luis Alonso & J.-D. Rodríguez Martín, “The Administration in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt”, [en:] S. Torallas – A. Nodar – A. Martín – A. Frutos (eds.), Pharaoh’s Reeds. A Papyrus Journey up the Nile, Barcelona 2016, pp. 39–45, ISBN: 978-84-393-9420-4
- ‘Dissolubility and Indissolubility of Marriage in the Greek and Roman Tradition’, [in:] Z. Benincasa & J. Urbanik, Mater Familias. Scritti romanistici per Maria Zabłocka [JJurP Supplement 29], Warsaw 2016, pp. 1039–1068, 1039–1068 pdf
- Z. Benincasa & J. Urbanik (eds.), Mater Familias. Scritti romanistici per Maria Zabłocka [JJurP Supplement 29], Warsaw 2016, xxxiv+1205 pp.
- ‘In Memoriam Józef Mélèze Modrzejewski (1930–2017)’. JJurP 47 (2017), pp. ix–xxii. PDF
- „Józef inter gentes. On status and law between the centre and periphery”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 49 (2019), pp. 289–345
Editor of:
- J. Mélèze Modrzejewski, Droit et justice dans le monde grec et hellénistique, Varsovie 2011, 565 pp. [= The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplement no. 10]
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 30 (2000);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 31 (2001);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 32 (2002);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 33 (2003);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 34 (2004);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 35 (2005);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 36 (2006),
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 37 (2007);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 38 (2008);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 39 (2009);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 40 (2010);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 41 (2011);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 42 (2012);
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 43 (2013): What’s in in Papyrology AD 2013
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 44 (2014)
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 45 (2015)
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 46 (2016)
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 47 (2017)
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 48 (2018)
- co-editor: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 49 (2019)
- Why no Hispalus Faecenius did ever save the City? On Male Prostitution in Ancient Rome. Quicktime PDF
- (Nie)ludzkie prawo. O Dionizji i ponadczasowych wartościach (UKSW 19 X 2018). PDF
- Le regole del gioco. Il caso di Polonia interessa solo la Polonia? (Palazzo delle Aquile, Palermo, 16 XI 2018), PDF
Present Research projects:
- Centro y perifería en el discourse juridical y la practice juridical del Impero romano (Center and Periphery in the Legal Discourse and Legal Practice of the Roman Empire) DER 2015-67052-P – Proyectos de I+D, del Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento – PI Esperanza Osaba; member of the team (2015–2019)
- Interpretación y de los textos en papiro de las colecciones españolas: sociedad, religión y derecho,Universidad: Complutense de Madrid,: FFI2015-65511-C2-2-P: PI Raquel Martín Herández y José-Domingo Rodríguez Martín; member of the team
- How to Apply Law in Egypt? A Practical Guide for the Roman Judge: A Case-study of P. Oxy. II 237 and Other Papyrological Evidence on Legal Pluralism in the Roman Times.– PI and Head of the grant conceded by the Polish National Science Centre – ca 150.000 Euro. (2018–2021)
Study of the legal practice in Antiquity, the juristic papyrology in the broadest sense combined with the elements of social history and the history of mentality: legal awareness.
Ancient family law (with the doctoral thesis devoted to divorce in law and legal practice) and, more generally, the legal awareness in Antiquity.
The œuvre of Dioskoros of Aphrodité, the 6th century poet and notary of Middle Egypt, trying to understand the relation between the school-acquired legal knowledge and the practical skills of a notary in the everyday-use of the law.
Campanian legal practice as presented bt the wax tablets from Herculanum and Puteoli
Legal standing of women in the Graeco-Roman Antiquity.
Trial procedure in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, the rise of the legal ‘principles’
Legal pluralism and multi-normativism in the Roman and Byzantine Antiquity, use of languages for law in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt.
Teaching/Learning Quality Assurance